Teaching at University of Waterloo, Fall 2018, Full Instructor
Autonomous Mobile Robotics (MTE-544)
- Upper year undergraduate full course
- Class consisting of almost 100 students
- Course outline
- Introduction, Probability, State Space
- Coordinate Transforms, Motion Modeling
- Measurement Modeling, Estimation: Bayes Filter
- Estimation: Kalman Filter, Extended Kalman Filter
- Estimation: Particle Filter, Mapping: Localization
- Mapping: Mapping, EKF SLAM
- Mapping: Graph SLAM
- Mapping: Scan Registration
- Control: Linear, Nonlinear
- Planning: Motion Primitives, Graph Based
- Planning: Probabilistic, Optimal
- Special topics: Geometric controls
- Three lab modules involving ROS and real robots (turtle-bots)
- lab 1: mapping
- lab 2: localization
- lab 3: SLAM
Teaching Assistant at University of Waterloo
- Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering,University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
- ME-262: Introduction to Microprocessors and Digital Logic, Fall Term 2016.
- ME-202: Introduction to Probability and Statistical Analysis, Winter Term 2015.
- ME-201: Advanced Calculus, Fall Term 2014.
- ME-262: Introduction to Microprocessors and Digital Logic, Spring Term 2014.
- MTE-360: Introduction to Control Systems, Winter Term 2014.
- ME-262: Introduction to Microprocessors and Digital Logic, Summer Term 2013.
- ME-202: Introduction to Probability and Statistical Analysis, Winter Term 2013.
- ME-262: Introduction to Microprocessors and Digital Logic, Summer Term 2012.
- ME-360: Introduction to Control Systems, Winter Term 2012
- ME-547: Robot Manipulators: Kinematics, Dynamics, Control, Winter Term 2012.
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
- ECE-380: Analog Control Systems, Winter Term 2011.
- ECE-484: Digital Control Applications, Fall Term 2010.
- ECE-484: Digital Control Applications, Summer Term 2010